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올래서울 M/V


올래서울 M/V
2021.12 / SONY A7S3 / 5min 12sec

Client : 박소연

Directed, shot, edited, colored by 홍상진 / Hong Sang Jin

a film by StarStar Studio

지구온난화로 낮에는 사람이 살 수 없는 환경이 된다.
김박사는 본인이 만든 복제인간을 사랑하지만, 복제인간에게 점령당할 것을 우려해 복제인간을 없애기로 한다. 
위기 때 등장하는 정체불명의 인물은 도움을 주지만, 결국 사망한다. 
정체불명 인물의 실체를 확인하는 순간 복제인간은 큰 충격에 빠진다는 내용이다. 

Its storyline is as the following:
Global warming is having a serious impact on the environment that people can not live 
during the daytime. Fearing that people would be overwhelmed
 by the human clone that he created,  Dr. Kim decides to eliminate it. 
A total stranger appears and helps him in crisis but dies after all.
The human clone gets immensely shocked to identify the stranger.

박소연(거문고), 홍승진(배우), 김경락(배우)
Geomungo by Park Soyeon/ Actor, Hong Seungjin/ Actor, Kim Gyeongrak

[촬영장소/Filmed at]
서울 지역 곳곳
all over Seoul